Deep Thoughts of a Stoner | A Cannabis Blog by Gazoo — stoner blog

Cannabis, The New Norm?

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A Cannabis blog by Gazoo Cannabis, The New Norm? Has Cannabis infiltrated its way into mainstream TV? I can’t help but notice more and more references to Cannabis on the shows that I watch. From straight out eating edibles and watching the wackiness ensue, to asking if the brownies are kid safe, shows that are considered family shows are treating it no different than alcohol. That 70’s Show would have to be considered the granddaddy of all the mainstream shows that broach the subject, but that was more the stupid stoner hijinx. More recently, you see it on Big Bang...

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A Cannabis blog by Gazoo LEGALIZATION!! If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re for it… So I am probably preaching to the choir here. I am lucky enough to have been born and raised in a State that was smart enough to have done it already, so I have seen first hand how much of a great idea it is. The tax $ alone should be enough to change even the most reefer madness of person’s mind, I mean, if you’re not going to do it for the kids, who are you going to do it for? (Here in Oregon...

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Stoner Tools and Gadgets

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Deep Thoughts of a Stoner | A Cannabis blog by Gazoo Stoner Tools and Gadgets   Who doesn't love a good stoner tool or gadget? Things that make smoking a little easier, or more fun, are always good, in my eyes. The ones pictured above are just a few of my personal ones that I've found throughout the years, that I use semi regularly, to everyday. Let's start from the far left and work right. Magic Bottle – This is nothing more than a cool trip toy I picked up at the Oregon Country Fair. If you've never been, or...

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Strain Review #2

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Strain Review Time! Once again, it's time to review some strains today we are reviewing Chernobyl and Thin mint.

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Gummies, Sweet Gummies!

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Deep Thoughts of a Stoner| A Cannabis blog by Gazoo What you Need: The finest BHO you can get your hands on. (BHO stands for butane hash oil) 3oz box of Jell-O (whatever flavor floats your boat), 2 packets of Knox unflavored gelatin, ½ cup of very cold water ¼ cup of Corn Syrup Fun silicone molds   Time for another stoner cooking session! This time we’ll be making some gummies with BHO, and it’s actually easier than you would think. If you can make Jell-O, and do dabs, you’ve got this covered! First off, you need a gram of the finest...

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